Common Hair Transplant Myths

There are countless misconceptions surrounding hair transplants. Many of these are based on outdated ideas about what transplanted hair looks like, what it’s like to undergo a procedure, and who can benefit from hair restoration.

Let’s unpack some of the most common hair restoration myths and reveal the truth about today’s procedures. What they don’t tell you about hair transplants is that they are an excellent option for a broad range of individuals, the vast majority of whom find the results highly satisfying.

Five Common Hair Myths & Misconceptions

“Hair Transplants Look Obvious”

By far, the most common myth about hair transplants is that they look obvious or outright “fake.” Today’s FUE and FUT hair transplants combine artistry and technology to create a natural-looking hairline, custom designed for each client. 

The patchy, conspicuous hair plugs of previous generations are a thing of the past. Today, individual hairs or small groups of follicles are carefully harvested and transplanted, often with the assistance of AI algorithms and robotic devices. Transplanted hairs are skillfully blended with existing hair to create a seamless hairline.

“Only Men Can Have Hair Transplants”

It’s true that the majority of hair transplants are performed on men. In reality, there are hair replacement options for all genders. Including non-binary and trans clients seeking a hairline that reinforces their identity or to compensate for hair loss triggered by hormonal medications.

Women with patchy hair loss may be excellent candidates for hair replacement surgery. Conditions like traction alopecia, or hair loss from plastic surgery incisions, burns, or wound trauma are highly treatable with hair restoration procedures. Women with thinning hair throughout the scalp may respond better to nonsurgical treatments, but one cannot be certain without a full examination and diagnosis.

“Older Patients Can’t Have Hair Transplants”

There is no upper age limit for hair transplants. Because our procedures don't require general anesthesia, they are very low risk for those who are in good health – regardless of age. Anyone with a chronic illness or other medical conditions should consult their physician before undergoing a hair restoration procedure, no matter their age.

“It’s a Painful Procedure”

The days of painful incisions, visible scars, and extended recovery periods are a thing of the past. Today’s hair transplants are much less invasive, and recovery time is a fraction of what it once was. 

Procedures are performed under a local anesthetic that renders them virtually pain-free. Some individuals may experience short-term post-surgical tenderness, itching, or scalp tightness, but they are provided with the necessary medications to ease any discomfort during the healing process.

“Only Rich People Can Afford It”

Hair replacement procedures are available at a variety of price points, and we will work with you to choose the best option for your budget. A hair transplant can improve your confidence, and even boost your career and bottom line. In many ways, it can be viewed as an investment in your well-being and your future.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions: Book a Consultation Today

Our team is here to dispel any myths you may have heard about hair restoration. If you want to learn more about the ARTAS® robotic FUE hair transplant system and how it can deliver natural, seamless-looking results, contact us today to schedule a consultation.