Male Psychology & Hair Loss

State of mind and mental health can have an enormous impact on your body's proper functioning. The question is whether one of those health effects has an impact on hair loss in men

The short answer is yes. Mental health, stress, and one's state of mind can affect hair health and hair loss. Here are some psychological states that are known to be problematic.

Can Overthinking Cause Hair Loss?

There is no direct correlation between overthinking and hair loss. However, if the overthinking in question is constant enough – or intense enough – to make your stress levels rise, then it can have effects on your bodily systems… including having an impact on the hair growth cycle.

Can Stress and Anxiety Cause hair loss?

Stress can affect the body in a variety of ways, including by weakening the immune system which can result in hair loss. This was thrown into sharp relief by a study done during the COVID-19 Emergency. This study showed a marked correlation between rising stress levels during the pandemic and increased severity of telogen effluvium cases.

Stress is a triple threat, contributing to three primary types of hair loss:

  • Telogen effluvium, consistent stress can cause large numbers of hair follicles into their telogen (or resting) phase causing hair loss to occur months later. This is the second most common form of hair loss known.
  • Trichotillomania is a behavior pattern that can damage hair follicles. Specifically, it is the compulsive pulling and twisting of body hair which – over time – can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss. Depression, anxiety, and pervasive stress are all documented causes for this affliction.
  • Alopecia Areata is a condition where the immune system reacts to stress by attacking the hair follicles causing hair loss.

Is Hair Loss from Stress Permanent?

Fortunately, most stress-induced hair loss can be arrested once the stress levels are reduced. A combination of time and a proper treatment plan can often help to restore hair in some cases – particularly where telogen effluvium is the culprit. In other cases, advances in technology now offer natural-looking hair transplant options unknown in prior decades.

How Can I Stop My Hair Falling Out Due to Stress?

It is as simple (and as complicated) as reducing your stress levels. Lifestyle changes – including taking better physical care of yourself, therapy, and taking time to fully relax – are good steps on the path to reducing stress and its impact on both your life and hairline.

At Hair MD, We Have The Expertise You Need

As experts in hair restoration for more than 30 years, we have performed tens of thousands of hair restoration procedures and helped even more people with their hair loss. Once the reason for the hair loss has been identified, a specifically targeted treatment plan can be developed, completely customized for your specific case. Request a consultation today.