Is It Normal Shedding Or Hair Loss?

Hair shedding is a perfectly normal thing all our bodies do all the time and generally there’s nothing to be concerned about. However, if you believe you are experiencing excessive hair loss then it may be a sign of a more serious condition.

How Do You Know If You're Losing Too Much Hair?

On average, a person can lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day through normal shedding. Your hair growth is a cycle that involves three main phases called the anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting) phases.


It is completely normal for your hair to shed when your follicle is in the telogen phase. The telogen phase lasts about three months… but remember that each follicle grows independently of other hairs.

When Should I Be Worried About Hair Shedding?

If you’re worried that you may be shedding an excessive amount, it might be helpful to compare to past photos (or keep a photographic record going forward). Look to see if you have a part that is widening, a receding hairline, a gradually thinning of hair that allows the scalp to be seen, or a bald spot that’s slowly growing.


If you are noticing your hair growing more slowly – or if you’ve noticed the time between haircuts is expanding – then you may be experiencing hair loss. There are many different factors that go into hair loss from hereditary, an overreaction of your immune system, certain drugs or treatments, too tight of a hair style, and more.

Why Is My Hair Shedding So Much?

The medical term for excessive hair shedding is telogen effluvium, and is often caused by stress. It’s especially common in people who have either lost significant weight (20 pounds or more) in a short period, given birth, a high fever or recovering from a recent illness, undergone an operation, or have stopped taking birth-control pills.


Most people notice this kind of shedding several months after the initial stressor. Fortunately, it is often temporary, and hair tends to regain its normal fullness after around eight months – assuming the stressor is no longer around.

Can Vitamins/Supplements Reduce Hair Shedding?

If the cause of the hair loss is the result of poor nutrition and the body not receiving the proper nutrients needed for optimal hair growth, then it’s possible supplementing your diet may help restore hair. Of course, consult your physician before starting any new regimen of supplements.

Do Women Shed More Hair Than Men?

Women tend to shed more hair than men. Though the exact amount is difficult to gauge because some of that extra hair loss is due to things like hair styling and coloring. Women can also experience more shedding because of events that affect hormone regulation – such as pregnancy or menopause.

What Time of Year Do People Experience More Hair Shedding?

While seasonal hair loss is a thing, its causes are not terribly well-studied. Some scientists claim that September is when seasonal shedding hits its peak, though at least one paper makes a claim of a second seasonal period in the spring around April.

Do People with Longer Hair Shed More Hair Daily?

Hair length is actually not a determining factor in how much hair sheds. However, the extra length may make hair shedding more noticeable.

Concerned About Hair Loss? Call HairMD

At HairMD, we have performed more than 5,000 hair transplants, including ARTAS® robotic-assisted procedures that deliver natural-looking results with minimal downtown. We also offer nonsurgical treatments to preserve and enhance your existing hair. Contact us today to set up a consultation. Let’s get to the root of your hair loss and create a plan to achieve the hairline you desire.