What Is Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness – even though it affects both men and women – is the most frequently encountered of the various known types of hair loss. It affects more than 50 million men across the U.S. and is responsible for 95% of all hair loss cases.

What Does Androgenic Alopecia Look Like?

In males, androgenic alopecia is evidenced by a receding hairline coupled with overall thinning and shedding that usually begins at each temple. Over time, the hairline recedes into an identifiable "M" shape. In men, the onset can occur as early as 20 years old… and more than half of all men experience some form of androgenic alopecia by age 50.

Androgenic alopecia in women most often presents itself as a thinning of all the hair across the scalp – especially at the crown of the head and a widening of the part. In either case, the hair loss is progressive, meaning that it occurs slowly over a period of time. In women the onset is usually after menopause.

What Are the Causes of Androgenic Alopecia?

The hair loss causes for androgenic alopecia are based on heredity. There is a specific gene that triggers a shrinkage of the follicles across certain portions of the scalp. These follicles then start to produce smaller and thinner hairs… eventually ceasing to produce new hairs altogether. Other factors that can also have an impact include age, ethnicity, stress, and health or environmental issues.

Can Androgenic Alopecia Be Reversed?

Most medications used for androgenic alopecia treatment focus on slowing or stopping the hair loss. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential. Without proper hair loss treatment, the thinning and shedding will continue to get more severe over time.

Is Hair Loss from Your Mother or Father?

The variant gene that promotes hair loss in these cases can be passed down from either side of the family – from your mother or father’s side of the family. To further complicate matters it can also skip generations or spontaneously occur in siblings.

The Hair Loss Expertise You Need

If you are experiencing hair loss, the first step is diagnosing what kind of hair loss and then developing a focused course of treatment. For that you want the best expertise available. Dr. Feinberg leads one of the most experienced hair loss specialist teams in the United States. 

A pioneer in the field of hair transplants, Dr. Feinberg has performed more than 5,000 procedures over the past 30 years. Request a consultation today and explore the hair loss solutions that are best suited for your particular case.